Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Whenever I listen fund managers, they frequently use word “CONSUMPTION”. According to Equity experts, “CONSUMPTION” is a great driver to boost GDP among other boost factors to stock market.

Today, I will discuss “CONSUMPTION” & “A STRONG ECONOMY” in very simple words.

Before we consume, we “BUY”.  So buying is the basic of consumption. Buying capacity comes from our income. We need to buy necessities and we buy luxuries too. More we buy from our income, we are left with less saving on hand for other needs, future goals & causalities. If we don’t have money on hand to buy our desires, we opt to “Borrow”. To feed for all our spending, we borrow more and it contributes to higher the growth of “Banking Industry”. But a borrower enters in to a long term repaying contract (EMI). What his earning of today and tomorrow, he has to pay for the previous borrowings. Not in all cases but excessive blind spending may lead one to “Debt Trap”.

All traders, Manufacturers and Government (In light words “The Game Gurus”) too wish that people spend more money. That is the real success Mantra. Additional help is received by Celebrities through their endorsement to products and Large Events (Like Sports Events, TV Shows etc.). This helps all three Game Gurus to give people a sip of fun for buying, people take the sip and spend very unconsciously.

Let us go to the word “Consumption” once again. If consumption is for necessities like health or education, it improves standard of living & creates basics of growth of individual and society. But if the consumption is for lifestyle, for fashion, entertainment & vanishing products, the buyer left with nothing on hand. Such consumption leads to more trapping situation.

A suggestion. Please start observing people around you. Those who are not aware about spending, they are making their own road of disaster, because once they start living in higher life style, later they will not be able to compromise. This will lead them to an imaginary feeling, “I am special. I need different superior environment (in Food, People, Clothes, Brands etc.) around me”. By living in such environment, one further goes deeper into this false idea and in case of any unforeseen event, he collapses.

This is the short story of unaware consumption.

Now, let us look to GDP and then “A strong Economy”.

When consumption grows, the traders, manufacturers, media, celebrities & Government earns, whereas the unaware spender left with less savings.

When one buys for a product it is boost to a trade, so GDP grows & Government is happy with the figures, corporate profit grows & Sensex naturally grows.

However, the money spent for a product should be manufactured in our country. It gives employment to mass, growth of Manufacturing activity, new employment generated due to economic activities, Higher Tax revenue to government etc. But if the money spent for imported products (Foreign country products), we as a country, looses as our currency (Rupee) becomes weak, low employment generation & low tax revenue to government. Other countries are exporting their product so they earn, they become stronger at our cost, all this due to unaware spending of people. So a strong Economy is a country which exports more & imports wisely.

A strong country is result of a strong economy. This is possible only with strong SPIRIT of the people of the country… No arguments, only one Oath… Our country, Our Economy, Our Products, Our currency and everything ours…..

Are We………..????????

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The all time common question asked is “Shun lage chhe?”, ‘’Kya lagta hai?”

The funny answer to it is ‘’Shenu shu lage chhe?”

There are many things where we can discuss the “Lage Chhe” effect. Predictions are expected for Rain, Budget, Mehngai (Inflation), Gold, Real estate & of course Equity Sensex.

Everybody try to get some immediate relief by asking two lines & others reply to it as if they know everything and should at least speak something when asked.

Since long before, I am being asked these questions for Equity Sensex predictions. Replying to this common question “Kya lagta hai” before 25 years, in the very initial years of my career, I used to become serious to reply & though having no deep clue of market, I used to deliver my opinion on market. However, I accept that most of the predictions I made have not met because they were copied. I was using somebody’s words.

But now the time has changed. I know that everybody express their views with their own vested interest. Fund raisers presentations are so designed that listeners are attracted to invest in their scheme. Some media presents / highlights some schemes and performance which are smartly prepared considering specific time period which is in favour of the scheme they want to promote.

Isn’t it sounding like darkness every where? I think it is tough to share market predictions with confidence. However, while predicting anything, proper pros & cons must be shared with listeners. Everybody should consider that market runs on fundamentals, demand/supply rules, uncertainties and Greed & fear factors.

My Latest market predictions in the form of KAL (Jan –Sep 2012), AAJ (Sept-Oct 2012) & KAL (2013), may read with all uncertainties on market regarding Politics, inflation, Interest rates, trade deficit, fiscal deficit, & lot more.

  • High crude prices. Hence very weak Indian currency
  • High Inflation, Poor GDP data
Foreign (vested) interest
  • Rating agencies declining India’s ratings
  • Negative comments from foreign media for Indian leadership & government
Indian Investor’s behavior
  • Stressed investors having no returns in last 5 years of investment sells most equity in belief that market will not perform.
  • FII (Foreign interests) came in to buy this equity.
  • Foreign (vested) interests have created situation that Indian government has to open doors for FDI in various sectors.
  • Indian government turns into “Show off” mood.
  • Declares FDI in retail & other sectors, Diesel price hike etc.
Foreign (vested) interest
  • Heavy and continuous buying of equity by FII
  • High inflow of dollars and Indian rupee improving.
Indian investor’s behavior
  • With fear in mind of market to go down, more Indians selling their equity.
  • Foreign (vested) interests finally succeeded in mission to make the Indian government to open the doors for FDI in various sectors.
  •  Crude prices going down
  • Rating agencies improves India’s rating
  • Foreign media praising positive steps by government
  • Expectations of GDP to be on right track once again
Foreign (vested) interest
  • Rupee is gaining (say below 50) and equities gains to new hype mode.
  • FII gradually starts booking profit.
  • FII benefits from
o   Purchased equities at high rupee price
o   Stock market gain over period of time
o   Selling equities at low rupee price
Indian investor’s behavior
  •  “India shining” hype is created.
  • In “Rahi Gayo” mood, buy stocks crazily at high prices
  • FII makes profit while Indian investors locked with buying at high price.

I have done a risky prediction of market, but the sad end of this story that My fellow Indian investors are expected to be losers in this game if they are not smart enough. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

English and Economics: Absolutely Hilarious

We will begin with a box, and plural is boxes
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him
But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
Let’s face it- English is a crazy language.
There is no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger
Neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren’t invented in England.
We take English for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, we find that boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from guinea nor is it a pig. And why is it that Grocers don’t groce and hammers don’t harm?
If teachers taught, why didn’t preachers praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

And in Closing…….
If Father is pop, how come mother’s not Mop???????

(Taken from “Dignity Dialogue” June 2012 Issue from “English: Absolutely Hilarious” by KRK Moorthy)

Yes, we have lot more funny things around us, even in our daily market gossip.

Let us look to the world of Indian economy. We are now surrounded by various 24*7 news channels and flooded with lot of information, most of them are unnecessary.  The “Experts” delivers opinion; interestingly very basic things are forgotten by these experts. Let us give a look to it.

Our country’s Foreign Exchange surplus is invested in US treasury which earns around 3 to 4% per annum. However, FII inflow of equity market, in around half year, makes profit of 10 to 15% from equity market movement with tax benefits & goes back to their home country. During the same period our government makes funny 3-4% from the US treasury investments for full one year investment. Interestingly, still we all are very happy when we see FII positive inflow data.

Experts are happy with IIP Growth data of various sectors including growth of Auto sector sales. Interestingly, the increase in traffic, air pollution, time consumption on road & burden by crude oil import bill is not at all the point being talked.

Those who earn money & pay tax, have good money (accounted money) on hand. The post tax returns from FD and Equity of last couple of years is not sufficient enough to cover inflation. Because of anti money laundering law, only two sectors (gold & real estate) are left for investment of unaccounted money. Real estate has multiplied by 3 to 4 times in last 5 years and gold has also delivered handsome returns. It is funny to observe that those who hold unaccounted money have been able to earn good returns compare to the honest tax payers.

The bankers (global scenario) lend money to earn good interest income. To grow, lending is extended to sub standard category of assets. Over a period of time, the books of banks lending moves from safe to risk, but as soon as banks reach to such default position, government enters & helps bank to survive. As per government opinion, this is important to sustain investor’s (public) confidence in bank. As banks do not default even though their bad workings, a general opinion prevails in the public that nothing to worry while investing in bank. Interestingly, nobody bothers that the government which supplies money to banks may itself come in to trouble on any day.

Our investment market (or environment) is as funny as English language we speak.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One and forever advice – “Give time to the market”

In a meeting with my investor clients last week, there was long discussion regarding which asset class is the best?

As currently all real estate investors are very happy with their real estate investments. Almost all agreed to one asset class. I.e. Real Assets

I am happy if investors earn from whatever asset class they have invested in…..

In conclusion of the meeting, my statement to all was as per below:

In 1980’s BSE SENSEX was introduced with reference to 100, which is now around 17000 level. It shows 170 times growth in 32 years. A very good performance indeed!!! The gold and real estate have also given very good appreciation to the investors as well taking the same period on account.

So my advice to all was very simple.

The asset class whichever is preferred by investors performs only after given time. If investor fails to wait, than he gets disappointed with the poor performance which is for a time being only  or he sells the asset in desperation & jump in to other shining asset & try to chase the returns which is already left & may miss earning opportunity of both asset class & most possibly he may loose the money.

The key take away is “Give time to the investment instead of timing the market “

In last 10 years,

There was great time for all asset classes like

2003-2007 – We have seen 5 times growth in Equity Sensex.

2008-2012 – Gold & real estate have given great returns.

If investor understands the Economy cycle of ups – downs & if he rides this curve smartly, he can earn smart money. Others with patience & cool and long term investors will also earn handsome returns. Those who try to chase returns & entering at top price of assets are most likely losers.

Even at current sensex level of 17000, investors are in panic & in no mood of investing in equity. Most of their funds are invested in fixed investment opportunities & thankfully there are very good interest rate opportunities available for investing in Fixed Deposit like HDFC Ltd. & GRUH FINANCE and Debt MF schemes like FMPs & BOND FUNDs are also getting attention of investors.

SBI DYNAMIC BOND FUND, UTI BOND FUND & TEMPLETON INDIA CORPORATE BOND OPPORTUNITIES FUNDS are also some schemes where investors are looking investment opportunities due to tax advantage & its fixed income nature.

However the burning issue is, should one invest in equity now?????

I think one should invest in equity at current sensex level in the range of 17000 to 17500. However, investor should first see his risk profile, better not to jump in equity in single stroke & he should try to understand the possible loss if invested in equity.

The equity has not performed in last 5 years. Equity sensex is at a level where it was before 5 years. So, it is better for investor to find out how much risk he can take & then he can enter in equity.

As advised earlier “Give time to market”.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Too much borrowing is damaging

We receive sales calls trying to sell us a credit card. There is a lot of meaning to the economy of credit card buying habits. When a person wanted to buy something that was in excess of his available funds, he can use someone else’s savings and buy it. Now, on repayment he reduces his monthly savings and increases more spending. However, if collectively, a society went on a shopping mood, it would result in serious events: 
  • As a result of higher sales and profitability, the companies would be happy. The companies will expand capacities in anticipation of demand. Immediate positive result of this is, Jobs will be created, more factories built, more revenue to Government and a fill good factor will also felt.
  • Banks would be happy as they would expand Loan book, higher profit and large balance sheet. Then recruitment of more people, pay hefty salaries, giving them sales target to be achieved and believing that this growth is for real.
  • As Government has more tax revenue, will spend more. The Governments subsidy spending on social sectors is not productive and do not create an asset.
  • Increase in asset prices. More people buy assets, they leverage, and buy more assets. This leads to an asset inflation, which increases core inflation as input prices increase. Agricultural land gets converted into construction and investment land, increasing pressure for food prices.
  • Society as large feels good that they spend more, earn more, and save more. Everyone feels good till the party ends because events starts turning reverse. Such as price spike of a commodity or maintaining the living at higher costs. Governments in turn try to “simulate” the economy by reducing interest rates, but this hardly works.
Government has choice of taxing and using it to spend on infrastructure or paying pension, subsidies and loss incurring companies to save them defaulting.
The bad part is the debt trap of borrowing to keep the fire burning which starts in the government and the society.
  • Governments have the power to print any amount of currency and hence can pay down any debt. This creates a false impression that governments are AAA.
  • This false belief has been perpetrated to such an extent that government believed in false power. Hence currencies depreciate and cause inflation, and erosion of buying power.
  • Government then try to reduce own responsibility by saying that the private sector will do the work more efficiently and with less corruption. So we “invite” private and foreign companies.
  • The central bank is an authority allowing restructuring loans to avert a banking crisis, and banks generously utilize the window to restructure.
Looking to India, we consume more, import more, export less and have a trade deficit. Downward pressure on the currency and its impact on inflation, The country funds its trade deficits using long term FDI, repatriation of earnings by NRIs and welcomes FII inflows. However, the inflow is of the nature of short run. Strong decisions are yet to be taken by the Government. In absence of firm actions, this situation will continue until a strong leadership takes control.
After discounting the negative factors and hopefully encouraging steps from government, economy will make U turn. Optimism will improve in market and the first runners will earn high returns and laymen will follow them. It is rightly said that “Only unexpected is expected from the market”.